I grew up in a small town called Kenton-on-Sea, nestled between two rivers with endless beaches. I was schooled in Grahamstown at a place called St. Andrew’s College, and then found myself doing my B.Eng (Mechatronics) in Stellenbosch. Upon completion I migrated the massive 45 minutes to Cape Town to do my MscEng (Electrical) at UCT. I started working as a Software Engineer to help fund my studies, and have kept up that pattern when moving to Johannesburg, where I now continue to work and am in the process of completing my PhD in Reinforcement Learning.

I am endlessly fascinated by the process of learning, and am hot in the pursuit of attempting to replicate this amazing natural ability we all possess.

I am specifically interested in curriculum learning: the process of breaking large and complicated tasks into smaller subtasks which, when mastered and combined, allow the completion of the more complex task.

I will most likely be using the StarCraft II engine as a platform for demonstrating the effectiveness of this process.

  • Curriculum Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
