Jarrod Shipton

Jarrod Shipton

Associate Lecturer

University of the Witwatersrand

I have an avid interest in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), specifically that of cooperative MARL. I believe in a future where integrating AI into our everyday lives will enhance our existence as humans rather than hamper it, provided it is done ethically. (On that note, I am open to opinions on what ethical AI is since it is a pretty broad topic and given different cultural aspects, it might be different.) I believe there are endless possibilities for this, and have high hopes for using it to aid those that come from underprivileged backgrounds.

When I’m not talking about math, computer science or some weird nerdy application of those you would probably find me enjoying any game that makes someone think strategically and take into account the behaviour of others. For example StarCraft and Magic: the gathering. I love live music, specifically rock and metal, but am pretty open-minded to all music.

  • Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
  • Zero-Shot Coordination
  • Ad-Hoc Coordination
