Robotics, Autonomous Intelligence and Learning Lab

The RAIL Lab, established in 2014, is dedicated to conducting cutting-edge research in the field of artificially intelligent systems. With a focus on both fundamental and applied research, our vision is to serve as a prominent centre of excellence and a hub for AI activities in Africa. We aim to make significant contributions to the field of AI while also applying our findings to benefit society at large.

Robotics, Autonomous Intelligence and Learning Lab

Latest Research

MinePlanner: A Benchmark for Long-Horizon Planning in Large Minecraft Worlds

We propose a new benchmark for planning tasks based on the Minecraft game. Our benchmark contains 45 tasks overall, but also provides …

Skill Machines: Temporal Logic Skill Composition in Reinforcement Learning

It is desirable for an agent to be able to solve a rich variety of problems that can be specified through language in the same …

Transferable Dynamics Models for Efficient Object-Oriented Reinforcement Learning

The Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework offers a general paradigm for constructing autonomous agents that can make effective …

Counting Reward Automata: Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning Through the Exploitation of Reward Function Structure

We present counting reward automata—a finite state machine variant capable of modelling any reward function expressible as a …

Towards Financially Inclusive Credit Products Through Financial Time Series Clustering

Financial inclusion ensures that individuals have access to financial products and services that meet their needs. As a key …